Postdoctoral Researcher in Asteroseismology (m/f/d)

Temporary, Full-time · Heidelberg

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Das sind Ihre Aufgaben
HITS ​is looking for a 
Postdoctoral Researcher in Asteroseismology (m/f/d)
The Theory and Observations of Stars (TOS) group at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies invites applications for a Postdoc position within the ERC-funded project DipolarSound.
Within the TOS group we are interested in understanding the physical processes that determine the structure and evolution of stars using asteroseismology – the study of the internal structures of stars through their global oscillations. The focus is on solar-like oscillators, i.e. low-mass main-sequence stars, subgiants and red-giant stars that possess oscillations similar to those present in the Sun. We encourage both more observational as well as more theoretical inclined candidates to apply.
Your role
We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoc to join the DipolarSound project in the TOS group. In this role you will be able to lead projects, as well as contribute to already ongoing work. There is also the possibility to (co-)supervise students.
The DipolarSound project funded by an ERC consolidator grant focusses specifically on the use of dipole modes in red-giant stars to infer the structure of these stars as well as differences in structures in red-giant stars with different oscillation patterns. This project involves the analysis of both observational data, as well as synthetic stellar models to understand what the observed phenomena mean in terms of the underlying structure of the stars. The focus will be on the analysis and interpretation of the mixed-dipole modes to investigate the conditions in the deep layers of these stars
Ihr Profil
What qualifies you for this job
Candidates at the post-doctoral level should possess a PhD degree or equivalent qualification in physics, astrophysics, math, computer science or a related discipline and preferably have experience in asteroseismology.
Warum wir?
The environment of this job
HITS offers a first-class research environment with outstanding computational resources and is embedded within the vibrant Heidelberg astronomical community that includes the Center for Astronomy of Heidelberg University and two Max Planck Institutes.
HITS benefits
  • Option for location-flexible working
  • Extensive social benefits, such as: 
    • Subsidized cafeteria meals 
    • Job ticket
    • Allowance for further training and career development 
    • Company pension plan and additional health care benefits 
    • Many more individually selectable benefits
    • 30 days of paid vacation 
    • Family-friendly working environment 
Learn more about Working at HITS
For any additional information regarding the position please contact Prof. dr. ir. Saskia Hekker
The envisioned starting date is January 2025, negotiable. To apply, please submit the following documents by October 14, 2024: 
  • Cover letter with your motivation
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Relevant academic certificates
  • Research statement (max. 2 pages)
  • Contact details for two referees
Initial review of applications will start on October 14, 2024, and may continue until the positions are filled.

HITS gGmbH stands for equal opportunities and we strongly believe that our research benefits from inclusive and diverse teams.
Über uns
Das HITS (Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien) wurde 2010 von dem Physiker und SAP-Mitbegründer Klaus Tschira (1940-2015) und der Klaus Tschira Stiftung als privates, gemeinnütziges Forschungsinstitut gegründet. Es betreibt Grundlagenforschung in den Naturwissenschaften, der Mathematik und der Informatik. Zu den Hauptforschungsrichtungen zählen komplexe Simulationen auf verschiedenen Skalen, Datenwissenschaft und -analyse sowie die Entwicklung rechnergestützter Tools für die Forschung. Die Anwendungsfelder reichen von der Molekularbiologie bis zur Astrophysik. Ein wesentliches Merkmal des Instituts ist die Interdisziplinarität, die in zahlreichen gruppen- und disziplinübergreifenden Projekten umgesetzt wird. Die Grundfinanzierung des HITS wird von der Klaus Tschira Stiftung bereitgestellt.

Your mission
HITS ​is looking for a 
Postdoctoral Researcher in Asteroseismology (m/f/d)
The Theory and Observations of Stars (TOS) group at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies invites applications for a Postdoc position within the ERC-funded project DipolarSound.
Within the TOS group we are interested in understanding the physical processes that determine the structure and evolution of stars using asteroseismology – the study of the internal structures of stars through their global oscillations. The focus is on solar-like oscillators, i.e. low-mass main-sequence stars, subgiants and red-giant stars that possess oscillations similar to those present in the Sun. We encourage both more observational as well as more theoretical inclined candidates to apply.
Your role
We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoc to join the DipolarSound project in the TOS group. In this role you will be able to lead projects, as well as contribute to already ongoing work. There is also the possibility to (co-)supervise students.
The DipolarSound project funded by an ERC consolidator grant focusses specifically on the use of dipole modes in red-giant stars to infer the structure of these stars as well as differences in structures in red-giant stars with different oscillation patterns. This project involves the analysis of both observational data, as well as synthetic stellar models to understand what the observed phenomena mean in terms of the underlying structure of the stars. The focus will be on the analysis and interpretation of the mixed-dipole modes to investigate the conditions in the deep layers of these stars
Your profile
What qualifies you for this job
Candidates at the post-doctoral level should possess a PhD degree or equivalent qualification in physics, astrophysics, math, computer science or a related discipline and preferably have experience in asteroseismology.
Why us?
The environment of this job
HITS offers a first-class research environment with outstanding computational resources and is embedded within the vibrant Heidelberg astronomical community that includes the Center for Astronomy of Heidelberg University and two Max Planck Institutes.
HITS benefits
  • Option for location-flexible working
  • Extensive social benefits, such as: 
    • Subsidized cafeteria meals 
    • Job ticket
    • Allowance for further training and career development 
    • Company pension plan and additional health care benefits 
    • Many more individually selectable benefits
    • 30 days of paid vacation 
    • Family-friendly working environment 
Learn more about Working at HITS
For any additional information regarding the position please contact Prof. dr. ir. Saskia Hekker
The envisioned starting date is January 2025, negotiable. To apply, please submit the following documents by October 14, 2024: 
  • Cover letter with your motivation
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Relevant academic certificates
  • Research statement (max. 2 pages)
  • Contact details for two referees
Initial review of applications will start on October 14, 2024, and may continue until the positions are filled.

 HITS gGmbH stands for equal opportunities and we strongly believe that our research benefits from inclusive and diverse teams.
About us
HITS, the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, was established in 2010 by physicist and SAP co-founder Klaus Tschira (1940-2015) and the Klaus Tschira Foundation as a private, non-profit research institute. HITS conducts basic research in the natural, mathematical, and computer sciences. Major research directions include complex simulations across scales, making sense of data, and enabling science via computational research. Application areas range from molecular biology to astrophysics. An essential characteristic of the Institute is interdisciplinarity, implemented in numerous cross-group and cross-disciplinary projects. The base funding of HITS is provided by the Klaus Tschira Foundation.

We look forward to receiving your application for this position.
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